James Franco, also an alumni of the Spider-Man franchise, has described himself in the past as having a Straight James and a Gay James, and that he's gay in his life 'up to the point of intercourse': Garfield is hardly the first Hollywood star to claim to be a gay man trapped in a straight man's body. I am a gay man right now just without the physical act – that's all.' I mean every single series of RuPaul's Drag Race. My only time off during rehearsals – every Sunday I would have eight friends over and we would just watch Ru. The play is as much devoted to my friends in the gay community as it is those that passed during the epidemic.
'The preparation had begun before (rehearsals began) with a lot of my friends. Garfield, who once snogged Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds at the Golden Globes for a laugh (because, you know, that's what a little man-on-man action is, a laugh), has been preparing to star in the play where he appears as a gay man.